Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying; Darren Criss(Glee TV Serial)

Kalau ada satu kata yayng bisa menggambarkan Darren Criss, we sure it would be "artsy". Pemeran Blaine Anderson di serial Glee ini sejak lahir emang nggak pernah lepas dari yang namanya seni. Cowok kelahiran 5 Februari 1987 ini pernah les biola diumur 5 tahun dan sekarang dia udah jago mainin banyak alat musik seperti gitar, piano, cello, mandolin, dan drum.

Cowok ketrunan Filipina-Irlandia ini mulai belajar akting sejak masuk sekolah menengah. Di saat itu Darren mulai ngikutin kegiatan seperti orkestra sekolah dan program seni pertunjukan. Di program seni pertunjukan ini Darren sempat dapet penghargaan "Theater Arts Leadership Award" dan "Fine ARts Plaque Award" di tahun 2005.

Darren ternyata cowok yang pinter bahasa latih lho! Buktinya, waktu National Latin Exam, Darren sempat dapet gelar Maxima Cum Laude, runner up top scorer di tahun 2002 dan Magna Cum Laude, third top scorer di tahun 2005. Bakat aktingnya berkembang waktu Darren masuk School of Music, Theater, and Dance (SMTD) dan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (CSLA) di University of Michigan, USA. Di universitas itu Darren lulus dengan gelar Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) pada tahun 2009.

Walau punya sederet prestasi yang hampir sempurna, bukan berarti karirnya berjalan mulus. Setelah lulus, Darren mulai nyopa ikut ikut casting. Perannya sebagai Blaine Anderson bukan sebuah kebetulan. In fact, Darren mesti beberapa kali ikut casting buat menarik perhatian Ryan Murphy, sang kreator Glee. Awalnya Darren ikut casting buat ngisi peran Finn Hudson, tapi Ryan Murphy berpendapat Darren lebih cocok memerankan Blaine yang gay. Padahal beda dengan Chris Colfer yang emang beneran gay. Darren adalah cowok straight. But his acting is so convincing. That's why now we know Darren is really a talented actor.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Happy birthday jaybe.....happy birthday jaybe.....happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday jaybe...............*smooch*

What date today?! Yaps It's 1st of March 2012. And it's justin's birthday! He turns to 18! My baby is growing up. He grows so fast. I will miss the old him. <3

This time I just wanna post the biograpghy of the boy-who-have-a-very-bless-special-birthday-today. The boy named Justin Bieber. Here we go.

   Justin Bieber

The Teenage Singing Phenomenon. You can’t find an old soul inside Justin Bieber. But when you listen to the young singer, you will realize that Justin Bieber is way ahead his seniors in the pop music industry.

In 2007, Justin Bieber had posted dozens of homemade videos in which he sing songs from artists like Stevie Wonder, Usher, Ne-Yo, and others. Justin Bieber managed to get over 10,000,000 views on the videos purely from word of mouth.

Justin Bieber is an only child that grew up on Stratford, Ontario. One day he entered the Stratford Idol, a local singing competition. Most of the people who entered the competition had been taking lessons in singing and vocal coaches. But Justin Bieber was just sing around the house for practice. He was not taking the competition too seriously at the time, and he got second place. Justin Bieber wanted to share his victory with his loved ones, so he posted the footage of his performance online on Youtube. It turned out that people started to subscribe to them because they like the videos. That is how Justin Bieber’s manager found him. He saw Justin Bieber’s performance on Youtube and contacted his family.

About seven months after uploading his videos to Youtube, Justin Bieber was taken to Atlanta by Scooter Braun to meet his colleagues. Braun knew that the natural singing talent is not the only thing that Justin Bieber has to impress his colleagues. The young singer can also play the drums, piano, guitar, and trumpet. When Justin Bieber arrived at the studio in Atlanta, he met Usher in the parking lot. Justin Bieber greeted him and said that he love his songs, and offered him to sing one. But Usher turned down the offer and asked Justin Bieber to go inside instead.

After a short time online watching Justin Bieber’s videos, Usher realized that he just found a future superstar. He flew Justin Bieber back to Atlanta a week later. Justin Bieber sang for Usher and his colleagues, and he wanted to sign the young singer. But at that time, Justin Bieber still had a meeting with Justin Timberlake. However, it turned out that Usher’s offer was a lot better. Until now, Justin Bieber often tease Usher and remind him how he rejected him the first time they met.

Justin Bieber was officially signed to Usher and Scooter Braun’s joint venture in October 2008. Justin Bieber launched My World, his debut album which is a deep look into the mind of a young man. Justin Bieber has support from The Dream and Tricky Stewart, which is pretty much everything he needs to gain his pop supremacy. Justin Bieber’s first single One Time was produced by Tricky. The song is about puppy love, which is Justin Bieber’s favorite topic. Usher joins the young singer on First Dance where they sing a slow groovy song that people can dance to. On Down to Earth produced by Midi-Mafia, Justin Bieber talks about growing up, and motivating the listeners to pursue their goals.
justin bieber biography
justin bieber picture 2011

Justin Bieber wants to influence others in positive ways. He wanted to deliver the message that people can do anything if they put their mind to it. Justin Bieber grew up below the poverty line, and he did not have as much as most people did. The reality actually built a stronger character of the young boy. Now he have a 4.0 grade point, and Justin Bieber plan to go to college and become a better person.

Justin Bieber is virtually a great source of natural artistic talent. He is likely to be a solid contributor to the music industry many years to come. Older people can appreciate Justin Bieber’s music because the young singer really show his heart when he sing. Justin Bieber is optimistic that he can grow as an artist and that his fans will grow with him.

Parodies and Criticism Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has often been criticized for pictures and sounds younger than their age, teen-pop image and media attention often. He is a frequent target of bloggers and internet publicity poster board, especially Internet users 4chan message board users from YouTube, and various Facebook groups. Jokes including a successful campaign to promote “Justin Bieber Syphilis” at the top of search listings on Google Trends: Hack YouTube video is modified to direct users to adult sites or contact the pop-up message stating that Justin Bieber was killed in a car accident, his image is converted into pornographic images, and various rumors, including those who died Justin Bieber, had joined the sect, or even his mother offered him $ 50,000 to pose in Playboy magazine over, nothing is true. This forced the companies concerned to update their security procedures to reverse the damage, and Justin Bieber tweeted convince fans that he is still alive and false rumors about his mom “I just picked up and felt weird. ”

Most notable is the campaign to send Justin Bieber North Korea as part of their world tour (titled My World Tour). This is done by 4chan users vote for the country in a tour site for the competition to name the state bonus for the tour, the second ranked country, Israel. It is unlikely that Justin Bieber was actually given permission by the North Korean government, or organizers of concerts and management, to enter the country. Universal Music Group denied any involvement in a survey into the online handle of a joke. A UMG spokesman told the BBC it was “hoax” but declined to comment on. Nick Collins, The Daily Telegraph speculates that “Justin Bieber characters also appear to strike sour note with critics, especially the Internet, in the words of many comments about the appearance of youth, Justin Bieber, teen pop songs, his heartthrob image for teenage girls and their speech.”

Justin Bieber Discography

The discography of Canadian artist Justin Bieber record album consists of workshops, which played a long, seven exclusive videos, thirteen music videos and three promotional singles. At age thirteen, Justin Bieber was found on YouTube, and then signed R & B singer Usher Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between him and his manager. Urban popular smooth production duo Stewart and The-Dream is registered Justin Bieber debut single, “One Time”, which reached twenty in the music markets.

Justin Bieber release of debut long play entitled My World, was released on November 17, 2009. It debuted on the charts worldwide, reaching the top five in the United States, Britain and Canada, which became number one. EP also includes a successful follow-up single, “One Less Lonely Girl” and promoting “Favorite Girl” only, and “Love Me”. A long-term follow-up album, My World 2.0 released quickly March 23, 2010. Set debuted at number one in the United States and other countries as well as reaching the top five in most other countries. My World version 2.0 was preceded by first single, “Baby,” featuring rapper Ludacris America. Go to the top-ten hit around the world. A second single, “Somebody to Love” reached the top ten in Canada and the first twenty other countries, driven by a remix of the song with the counselor Justin Bieber, Usher. “Never Let You Go” was released as promotional single “U Smile” was released as the third single from the album. In 2011, Justin Bieber released a remix album entitled Never Say Never – The Remixes including the first single, “Never say never.”

Justin Bieber Now

Today, Justin Bieber has become one of the biggest names in the music industry. He had collaborated with many other singers, such as Chris Brown, from the Black Eyed Peas, Sean Kingston, and more. Justin Bieber had received several awards. At the 2011 Teen Choice Awards, he received four awards for being the top male hottie, choice male music artist, and others. Recently, he had also received the Best Male Video award at 2011 MTV Video Music Awards for his “U Smile” video. The music video defeated other music videos from Eminem, Cee Lo Green, Kanye West, and Bruno Mars.

The fact that Justin Bieber became really famous in a very young age drew lots of attention. Celebrities who have gone through the same thing when they were younger such as Justin Timberlake offered some advice to the young pop star. However, it seems that Justin Bieber doesn’t really need their advice. Compared to other young stars, Justin Bieber is very down to earth. We have never heard of him doing crazy things like most other young stars do. This is probably because he receives continuous support from his family and friends. Justin Bieber is also very religious. During his speech at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, for example, Justin Bieber said that he managed to be in his position because of God.

Justin Bieber is currently on top of the list of the richest teen stars. In 2010, the young pop star earned $50.74 million. We can be sure that Justin Bieber’s wealth will continue to grow, because his “Someday” fragrance was sold like hot cakes, and it broke a record for celebrity perfume launch at Macy’s. We must not forget that Justin Bieber also have lots of other merchandise in the market, such as the singing tooth brush, nail polish, etc.

The greatest thing about Justin Bieber is that he always willing to help good causes. He had worked with Pencil of Promise, a non-profit organization that builds schools in developing countries. The young pop star is often involved in much simpler charities, like when Justin Bieber’s sneakers were auctioned off to support an ovarian cancer charity.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Indoor VS Outdoor For School Event

Mau bikin pensi tahunan dan masih bingung pilihan lokasinya: indoor atau outdoor? These are a few things to consider.

1. Get Some
 a. Anti mis-bar(gerimis bubar)
      Dekorasi panggung, deretan dekorasi, kebel sound system, termasuk penonton tetap aman dan terlindung.
  b. Nggak perlu pawang hujan
      Lumayan buat ngurangin budget pengeluaran
  c. Nyaman dan anti gerah
      Penonton nggak harus panas-panasan kayak pensi outdoor. Apalagi kalau ada AC, tambah nyaman deh.
  d. Mingle all the way
      Karena venue terbatas, lebih gampang mingle sama temen. Kalau kepisah, nggak lama juga ketemu lagi.
  e. Maximum decoration
      Acara indoor technically lebih mudah didekorasi. Kamu bisa berimprovisasi di stage dan lighting.

2. Lose Some
 a. Cost more
      Biasanya sewa gedung indoor lebih mahal ketimbang lapangan. apalagi kalau harus sewa AC portable.
  b. No nature touch
      Ada atmosfer outdoor yang gamungkin didapetin di event indoor. Tiupan angin, taburan bintang, and you can forget about fireworks.
  c. Smaller space
      Saat pengunjung mulai ramai berasa banget sempit dan sumpeknya.
  d. Kurang bergengsi?
      Hmmm..ini hanya opini sebagian orang sih, tapi event indoor kalau bukan di gedung ternama masih kurang pamornya dibanding event outdoor di lapangan luas atau dipinggir pantai.

1. Get Some
 a. It's cheaper
     Nyewa lapangan pasti lebih murah dibanding gedung. Gak perlu nyiapin AC juga.
  b. Wide & spacious
      Nggak perlu desak-desakan pas nonton band favorit.
  c. More ticket, more income
      Kapasitas lebih, panitia jadi bisa jual tiket lebih banyak supaya lebih untung.
  d. Easily romantic
      Cukup tambah penerangan disudut-sudut atau lampion gantung, langsung dapet suasana romantis.
  e. Festival embiance
      Venue outdoor bikin panitia lebih leluasa bikin konsep.

2. Lose Some
 a. Unwanted rain
      Kalau hujan bisa gawat! Mulai dari penonton yang bubar, kabel-kabel, sampai jadwal performances.
  b. Hot & sweaty
      Siang hari pasti panas dan malam hari tergantung cuaca. Kalau nggak ada angin, gerah, dan lengket juga.
  c. Pawang hujan is a must
      Nyewa pawang hujan jadi salah satu kewajiban buat panitia.
  d. Big budget to build the stage
      Complete with back stage dan akses aman buat guest star.
  e. Intruder alert
      Gampang disusupi penoton yang nggak bayar tiket. Harus nyiapin keamanan yang canggih nih!
Itu semua kekurangan sama kelebihan dari event indoor dan outdoor. So, kamu milih yang mana?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

23rd April 2011(2)

Masih belum puas nih cerita tentang konsernya kemarin. Jadi lanjutin sekarang aja ya. Hahaha.
Pas aku masuk kedalem veneunya itu, tau gak? aku itu sendirian. Aku gapunya temen. Jadi disana cuma diem cengo kaya orang gaada kerjaan bgt selama nungguin sampe jbnya muncul. Setelah agak lama nunggu, akhirnya jbnya pun muncul. Aku pun langsung teriak2-loncat2. Pingin banget ngulang waktu. Bytheway FYI, konser itu merupakan konser pertama yg aku tonton dalam hidup aku! Seneng banget. Konser pertama-konsernya justin bieber lagi! Kurang apa lagi coba. Alhamdulillah bangeeettttt. Makasih yaTuhan0:). Anyway aku mau ngasih 1video lagi nih. Ini bagian yg paling aku suka selama dikonsernya, nanti ada bagian pas sijustin nya senyumin semua beliebers. Aaaaaa. Ohya video ini asli punya aku, account youtubenya juga punya aku. Jadi video yg dibawah ini OFFICIALLY MINE. Oke,liat sendiri aja de ya. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

23rd April 2011 (1)

Tau ga itu tanggal apa? Yg gak tau pasti bukan beliebers deh. Yap, itu tanggal pas justinbieber konser di Indonesia, tepatnya di SICC. Ya mungkin aku telat banget buat ngepost tentang yg satu ini. Karena kmrn2 lagi sibuk bgt, jadinya ya....baru bisa sekarang. Alhamdulillah banget aku bisa nonton konsernya. Ngedapetin tiketnya itu susah banget. Banget banget. Sebenernya itu aku gabisa nonton konsernya garagara tiketnya udah sold out duluan. Tapi pada suatu hari, aku ngeliat di twitternya si promotor jbnya kalau dia ngadain kuis buat ngerebutin waiting list buat sisa tiket yg masih ada. Mau gak mau aku harus ikutan. Caranya itu ya ngemention twitter promotornya sebanyak2nya biar bisa dapet waiting listnya.Berhari2 aku mention si promotornya itu ( @marygopsstudios) dari pagi sampe malem. Pas pengumuman WL1...WL2..ternyata aku gamasuk. Dan pas pengumuman WL3....yaAllah subhanallah banget akhirnya aku masuk.
Dan ternyata, tau gak? Si promotornya bilang kalau bakalan ada WL selanjutnya. Tapi ternyata gaada lagi setelah WL3. Aku bersyukur bgt. Mksh yaAllah aku dapet tiketnya dari WL yg terakhir. Hmmmm. dan akhirnyaaaa aku bisa nontoooon.Hahahahaha. Ohiya pas mau masuk ke sentulnya itu macet banget pake aja. Untungnya aku berangkatnya pas siang2, jadi sampe disana udh sore. Ohya jb mulai naynyi itu jam 7. Pas disana itu aku sendirian, tapi untungnya dapet temen yg smsm beliebers juga. Jadinya kita berdua masuk ke venuenya bareng2 deh. Video dibawah ini video pas jb baru muncul pas konsernya. Dia ngebawain lagu "Love Me". Cuma mau ngeshare sih tapi kalau mau ngeliat speakernya jangan dimax in. Hbsnya disitu suara teriakan aku nya berisik bgt. Video ini asli punya aku ya, youtubenya ini juga pake account youtube aku.haha. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Beware Of Passion Killer

Passion makes the world go round. It's one of the greatest thing that keep us alive and can bring us success. Maka itu perlu dijaga dan dikejar terus. Ada dua hal yang penting dalam mengikuti passion :
         Karena kita masih muda, wajar kalau belum mantap banget sama sebuah cita cita dan kadang berubah karena beberapa distraction. Tapi usahakan untuk selalu mengingat keinginan terbesar kamu dimasa depan. 'Nantinya gue akan jadi dokter kandungan cewek paling terkenal di Jakarta" atau "One day I'm going to own the biggest scrapbook store in the city". Dalam menuju kesana, kamu tetap boleh mencoba berbagai hal lain kok!


         Sekeras kerasnya usaha, kamu boleh gagal, jenuh, ngerasa capek and take a break. Tapi itu cuma untuk recharge energi lalu back on track dengan semangat yang lebih besar. Pantang memberi kalimat negatif buat diri sendiri cuma karena kesalahan kecil dan buat portfolio pribadi berisi karya, prestasi, dan gools kamu di masa depan.

Tapi,jangan sampai passion kamu hilang gara gara hal berikut ini...
Motivasi bisa didatangkan lewat beberapa hal, yaitu:
  • Googling. Cari info sebanyak2nya tentang passion kamu. Apa jenis profesi atau usaha yang ada didalamnya, sampai contoh2 orang sukses di bidang tsb. Dari sini kamu bisa punya gambaran yg lebih jelas, dan termotivasi untuk menuju kesana dgn langkah pasti.
  • Join The Forum. Daripada susah cari komunitas untuk didatengin, langsung aja join di forum internet yang sesuai passion kamu. Kamu bisa bertanya, tuker pikiran, dapet info2 seminar, dll.
  • Read Motivational Book. There must be a lof of reasons why Oprah loves to read books. Salah satunya karena buku bisa ngasih inspirasi dan motivasi. Baca deh biografi orang sukses dibidang favorit kamu or simply a book that motivates us to keep following our passion. 

Kalau tim bulutangkis kita bisa ngejar ketinggalan score berkat support penonton yg berapi api, itu membuktikan betapa pentingnya support, terutama dari org2 terdekat saat kita pengen meraih sesuatu. Passion should always find it's way, even on a bumpy road. Org2 terdekat akan menunjukkan supportnya saat kamu memperlihatkan kesungguhan dalam meraih cita2.

Kalimat sakti yang sering dikatakan sama org "menyerah" adalah 'Gue udah berusaha semaksimal mungkin'. Well, if it's not working, artinya usaha kamu belum cukup atau kamu melakukannya dengan cara yang salah. Dalam mengerjakan sesuatu, kita harus berorientasi dengan hasil. Orang nggak akan dapat penghargaan gara2 proses, tapi karena hasil yg udah dicapai. Proses hanya baik jadi bahan pembelajaran buat diri sendiri, dan buat orang lain saat kamu udah sukses nanti.

Bahkan seorang Alexander the Great pernah mengalami rasa takut dalam hidupnya. It's so human. Normal kalau kita ngerasa takut saat mengikuti passion. Takut salah, takut gagal, atau takut mengecewakan orang. But you know what? Nggak ada org sukses yang nggak pernah salah, nggak pernah gagal apalagi nggak pernah mengecewakan org lain. Biasakan diri untuk nggak menyesali apapun yang terjadi, karena pengalaman harusnya bikin kita makin pintar. Kalau sampai saat ini rasa takut adalah satu satunya hal yang menghalangi kamu sama passion, just make the first step and jump in without even thinking, Seperti orang yg didorong masuk air saat berdiri takut dipinggir kolam, you have to push yourself. Apa yang terjadi setelah itu nggak jadi masalah karena yg terpenting adalah you've tried for it.

Nggak pernah ada yg bilang kalau keluar dari zona aman itu gampang. It could make you feel so sick in the stomach everytime you try. Tapi itu cuma proses. Once you get out, kamu bisa mulai merasakan manfaatnya. So be brave, lepaskan ketergantunganmu sama hal2 tertentu. Stop membatasi diri dengan bilang 'Aku nggak bisa begini, aku nggak bisa begitu...' Coba dulu, kalau gagal, coba lagi.